The Chief Digital and AI Office (CDAO) in collaboration with Defense Acquisition University (DAU), will host a series of events to identify solutions from Academic Institutions, with a focus on Minority Institutions, to answer a specific problem set. The desired end state is to build a new process and pipeline for identifying, recruiting, training, onboarding, and hiring STEM graduates for Department of Defense Acquisition positions.
Submissions Closed
Updates and Information
"By the Numbers"
12 discovery paper submissions
7 Identified as small Business
4 Identified as large business
1 Academia
11 Selected for Round 2
​Schedule (27 July - 23 August)​
7 Business days to collect and receive discovery paper submissions
3 Business days to conduct discovery paper evaluations
1 Business day to make selections and send invitations to Round 2
1 Business day to conduct vendor interviews
17 Business days to award
Round 2
2 Vendor interviews (16 August)​
1 Selection for pilot award to an academic institution (New Mexico State University)